919 Film Festival round up. Days One and Two

It was an absolute privilege to attend the lively Film Fest 919, founded by industry professionals Randi Emerman and Carol Marshall, one of the most poignant events in Chapel Hill, if not the entire state of North Carolina.  (Director J.D. Dillard and Producer Rachel Smith at the Premiere of their film Devotion (2022). Here are myContinue reading “919 Film Festival round up. Days One and Two”

Devotion (2022). Jonathan Majors Cannot save this Propaganda Piece.

The 919 Film Festival opened with what many would consider a surefire crowd pleaser that did very little for me once the layers of saccharine sentimentality and sanitized war scenes were unmasked to reveal a very poorly crafted propaganda piece for the US Navy corps masquerading as a feel good bromance. The script falls intoContinue reading “Devotion (2022). Jonathan Majors Cannot save this Propaganda Piece.”

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